(I am a novice in this so I just might be doing it wrong)
I’ve using this tool and it works perfectly in editor. But if I build and execute the game I can’t change the locales.
This is the code I’m using
public class LanguageChange : MonoBehaviour
public void ToEnglish() {
Debug.Log("changing to english");
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.GetLocale(SystemLanguage.English);
public void ToKorean() {
Debug.Log("changing to korean");
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.GetLocale(SystemLanguage.Korean);
And I’m attatching this script to the buttons.
My locale selectors are player pref locale selector and then specific locale selctor(english).
Any help will be great.
Hi, @karl_jones can you explain to me the purpose of LocalizeString(In Inspector not visible from script) and LocalizedString(visible from only script) in 0.6.1 version. I think you should rename the LocalizeString to LocalizedString in the next preview.
LocalizeString in the inspector is an instance of LocalizeStringBehaviour.
LocalizedString in script is a class you can use to reference localized values in a string table.
I think the Editor aspect needs renaming. Maybe “Localize String Event Behaviour”
I agree some of the naming needs to refactoring