Cant change target min iOS target on mac beta 10

Its stuck at 7 no matter what.

Support for iOS 6 was dropped long time ago…
If this is what you mean, so its not a bug.

Yes it is, Im trying to change it to 8.

Ok then maybe next time properly write the issue…

Lol…I said it was stuck at 7 no matter what.


Hi Gametyme,
Thanks for reporting this. We’re going to need more information though. Could you please submit a bug report and reply with the case # in here?

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I can but all you have to do is create a project in 5.5 b10 and try to change it. It goes back to 7 after pressing enter. I was able to change it on a project that I updated from 5.4.

I can’t reproduce it. A report would be very helpful here.


pm sent.

Turns out that currently decimal points have to be included when setting the target minimum version number. “8” doesn’t work, it has to be “8.0”.