Can't change the position of a blimp animated to turn around my city in maya


A colleague gave me a blimp and a helicopter animated in maya. It seems like their transfrom is “baked” into the animation, so if I move it and it play the blimp and the helicopter turn back where their were.

If someone has an idea…


You should remove the animation and use script to control your blimp and helicopter. Use animation only if the path is specific and should never change. Look in the forum for way point scripting. I am sure they have quite a bit of stuff out there.

I found the solution by using an empty game object as parent and move this gameobject instead of my blimp or my helicopter.

Sometimes the answer is so simple that we could spend hours to search a complicated solution while the answer is just in front of our eyes…
Maybe our passion for 3drt come from that aswell :smile: