Can't Clear Input Text?

This seems to be a bug or just a misunderstanding by me on how this is supposed to work. I have a single input field that a player will use to name four different characters. After naming one character the input field is cleared so the player can input the name of the next character. Clearing the input does seemingly correctly remove the text from the input. However, when you focus the input once again, all of the text that was cleared out comes right back. Here is the code I’m using to clear out the input.

CharacterName.text = string.Empty;

I looked for other clearing options like a “Clear” method or something, but couldn’t find anything in the intellisense or documentation.

Here are some images that show what the input field looks like in the three stages.

Does anyone know if I’m doing this wrong or if this is a known issue?

InputField input = CharacterName.GetComponent();
CharacterName.text=input.value = string.Empty;

I haven’t tried but if CharacterName is an inputfield, try clearing CharacterName.value instead of .text. If I recall .text is just the text that is displayed in the box at that moment while value is the actual typed in value, which can be different than the text due to multiple lines or when it doesn’t fit the box.

Thanks @Scorr that worked. I suspect that you, @beatelove were driving at the same point but it was a bit confusing.