HDRP. created canvas world space child to a 3D game object, panel, TMP, button. My raycast works fine on screen space menu panel buttons. I have the world space with a billboard to face camera, but if I disable that still doesn’t work, tried sorting layers, masks, blocks. nada. Any ideas. was trying to create a tutorial guide. instructions, with a continue button. clicks go through it and activate gameobjects behind it. has to be a problem with raycast. have a graphics raycast component. tried a bunch of settings. Ideas?
UI Buttons on World Space Canvases must have Box Collider to work.
Thank you! that worked. but still didn’t work with on click events? had to use on mouse down method… but yes I would not have guessed ui button needed a box collider. appreciate it.
I use it this way in MR Camera:
You can also Add Event Trigger to it with Pointer Down event to work the way you want: