Can't compile any project (console just shows MSVC compiler version as error)

I’ve been at it for 2 days.
Currently, i am not able to compile any project on my Unity environment (Windows 10, Unity 2019.2.17f1 or higher). the error in Console is non descriptive to say the least: it just prints out the Visual C# Compiler version (see attached image).
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Unity & MSVS + updated to latest versions to make sure it is not any of these problems. Furthermore, i tested these same projects on another machine with exact same attributes (Unity + Windows + MSVS versions) and it compiles.
I also tried to delete all the temporary folders + solution file as any google search suggests (unity cache, Library folder, sln and project files).
All have failed.
What the heck am i missing? Has anyone else had this occur?

To all who it may concern, i have solved the problem after 3 days of endless forum searching.
the answer came in this unrelated issue: windows 7 - Error in command line "The system cannot find the path specified." - Super User. i had to clean my registry key at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun (it somehow got run over with a miniconda3 installation i made 3 days ago…)