Can't compile

Hi, I have a big project that perfectly work in the editor but when I try to compile a standalone version of it, it gives me this error:

I found a discussion here in the forum referring to the same issue and the Unity Team replied that this is due the fact of big sharedassets files (more than 2 GB). They said they will fix it after the release of Unity 5, but nothing was done…

Any news about it?

Thank you,



I’ve got this problem too…
success && actual == (UInt64)size

1 Like

Same here! It’s unacceptable from an “industry leading” game engine…what does this mean? that we can use and publish games ONLY IF our project is small or designed for mobile phones, so that they stay within a certain size!? This is absolutely unacceptable, totally discouraging and utterly unprofessional. My team and i are seriously thinking to move over Unreal Engine 4, which is a serious industry standardized game engine, unlike Unity. Implementing new features while not fixing a basic issue like the deployment is sympthom of professionalism lack.

Also getting this error. Making VR presentation with hi res textures is not able to build.
Needs resolving ASAP

Dude, calm down?

I’d recommend filing an official bug report with the issue tracker.

Voted already on the appropriate one. I’d recommend to take a look at this forum related thread on the forums, just about the attached image.