It seems that Microsoft is no longer supporting UWP, and won’t accept UWP games in their store. However, I still want to put a build of my game onto my Xbox so that I can record footage of my game.
I’ve done this many years ago with other projects, but I don’t recall how to do it. When I tried looking up tutorials today, the various details they describe don’t apply to what I see as my options.
I tried following this video that is only a year old so I thought it would be accurate. However at 4:09 he says to select “publish” when he right-clicks the project form the solution explorer, but when I do that I have no “publish” option in my pop-up menu.
I tried following the tutorial I originally used in 2019, but when I got to this page it says “in the Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Properties. Select the Debug tab, change Target device to Remote Machine” but in my properties window I have no debug tab, nothing that says debug, nothing that says target device, and honestly the window doesn’t even have traditional tabs.
Any help here? I’m using Visual Studio 2019 but I just don’t have the options shown in either of these guides.
I know I can’t publish a UWP game on the Xbox store anymore, but I still want to use this feature for recording footage and to ensure my game runs smoothly on other devices.
Hey, first of all, where did you get the info that you cannot publish UWP on the store anymore? I’d love to learn more!
Secondly, can you post any screenshots of those things missing in Visual Studio for you?
I found that stated on this page when I was trying to follow it for directions on how to do this. That is my source for UWP being discontinued.
This is what I see when I look for the “publish” option:
This is what I see when I look at my options:
Any help would be appreciated. I have a video capture device set up to record from external devices, so if I could get this working it would be the easiest way to record footage.
This looks like a case of missing Visual Studio components. Are these two installed? Does Unity give you any warnings when building the project about it?
How do I find that? I know nothing about Visual Studio; how do I find what I have installed, and how do I install things I might be missing?
Type “Visual Studio Installer” in your start menu, and then once you launch it, hit “Modify”.
Looks like I don’t have the C++ tools in the list on my right. I don’t see that exact one listed under my options either. How do I get it?
Check this checkbox and click Modify on the lower right corner:
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Okay, with that package installed I can finally proceed with the tutorial I was following!
Thank you!
Unfortunately it took me too long and another update was released, so now my xbox is stuck in an update loop again. But that’s a different problem.