can't declare char array

In my project I need to declare arrays of different types.I have declared it this way:

	public char[] apartmentStats1 = new char[32];
	public string[] inComeArrayString = new string[32];
	public int[] durationsArray = new int[32]; 
	public int[]    inComeArray = new int[32];
	public string[] durationsArrayString = new string[32]; 

but when i go to the unity at the inspector I can’t see the char array and all the int arrays are declared with size 0 !!! I don’t know why this happening. can any one explain this please?can any one help me solve this problem?

Assign your variables in Awake rather than at construction time (because any time you declare and then new later any existing objects will just use the null value from when the script was first attached).

I don’t believe the inspector can inspect “char” - so you wont’ be able to see that.