I’ve attached an example project that tests AssetBundleLoading in a web player.
The core issue can be seen from the editor.
I keep track of the order objects are instantiated so they can be destroyed in the reverse order.
This is how the objects are instantiated:
foreach (Object obj in m_assetBundleObjects)
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(155, y += 25, 400, 20), string.Format("type: {0} name: {1}", obj.GetType(), obj.name)))
m_instantiatedObjects.Insert(0, Object.Instantiate(obj));
This is how the objects are destroyed:
void ClearInstantiatedObjects()
foreach (Object obj in m_instantiatedObjects)
Object.DestroyImmediate(obj, true);
I can destroy the main asset instantiation just fine.
But I cannot destroy the objects that were instantiated from AssetBundle.LoadAll.
The errors returned are:
Can't remove component.
Can't remove Transform because MeshFilter, MeshRenderer depends on it
UnityEngine.Object:smile:estroyImmediate(Object, Boolean)
UnityEngine.Object:smile:estroyImmediate(Object, Boolean)
AssetBundleDownloader:ClearInstantiatedObjects() (at Assets\AssetBundleDownloader.cs:26)
AssetBundleDownloader:OnGUI() (at Assets\AssetBundleDownloader.cs:86)
[..\..\Runtime\Mono\MonoExportUtility.cpp line 523]
Can't remove component.
Can't remove Transform because MeshFilter, MeshRenderer depends on it
UnityEngine.Object:smile:estroyImmediate(Object, Boolean)
UnityEngine.Object:smile:estroyImmediate(Object, Boolean)
AssetBundleDownloader:ClearInstantiatedObjects() (at Assets\AssetBundleDownloader.cs:26)
AssetBundleDownloader:OnGUI() (at Assets\AssetBundleDownloader.cs:86)
[..\..\Runtime\Mono\MonoExportUtility.cpp line 523]
To repro:
- Start the project.
- Click download
- Click All Assets
- Click Clear Assets
Expected results:
All assets should be cleared
What happened instead:
There are assets left in the scene
140919–5151–$assetbundletester3_981.zip (1.09 MB)