But the game still runs on 60 FPS. The problem persists on both Unity 2019.3.7f1 and 2019.2.11f1. I don’t have any overrides in my NVidia settings. Other games can run without vSync normally.
It seems to be computer related; are you sure vSync is disabled in your GPU settings? And, if it is, are you sure there is no safety somewhere that would force vSync on even if you don’t want?
Yes, I’m sure. You can see it on the screenshot - it’s NVidia Control Panel. It says “Use 3D application’s setting”. Same results if I change it to “Disabled”. And same results if press “Restore” button, to restore global settings.
But what it possibly could be? Especially if other games can run with or without vSync. Including my own old game, which I made on SDL2 & OpenGL. I suspect it’s on Unity side.
New results. Disabled vSync is working for Fullscreen Mode = Exclusive Fullscreen only. But for all other modes is not. And!!! This is only in Unity 2019.3.7f1 !!!
In Unity 2019.2.11f1 disabled vSync is not working for all Fullscreen Modes !!!
My mistake was very simple, as it turned out I forgot to uncheck Vsync (Game view only), this is where you can change the resolution and aspect ratio of the screen