I am using Unity 2018.2.2f1, HD Render Pipeline 3.0.0 and SRP 3.0.0.
In my code, I draw some lines using Debug.DrawLine method. These lines are shown in the “scene” window, but not in the “game” window. When I use the built-in rendering pipeline, instead of the HD RP, the gizmos are drawn in the “game” window too.
I looked in the forums about similar issues, but couldn’t find anything useful.
Thanks for your help.
Hi. This is fixed for 18.3 we had to add code to core unity. will be in release 3.4.0 of srp.
Thanks for the quick answer
This must be broken again in 2018.2.14f1, cant see debug gizmo in scene view.
I don’t know if it’s the same issue but i can’t render gizmos if HDR or Anit Aliasing are enabled on the render profile.
I’m on LWRP 5.2.3 and Unity 2019.2a
Another request for Gizmos in GameView: using the default LWSRP ForwardRenderer, in ForwardRenderer:Setup, having createColorTexture set to true by e.g. using a ScriptableRendererFeature, disables Gizmos in GameView. Having a custom colorAttachment seems to break Gizmo Rendering. Seen on LWRP 5.10.0
Not sure what’s causing it, but can confirm gizmos not displaying in game view on unity 2019.1 and LWRP 5.7.2
After messing with the LWRP, updating it to 5.13 and messing with it’s settings again, I found out that enabling Opaque Texture in the LWRP or the main camera causes the Gizmos to not be drawn…
After creating a new clear LWRP project the issue seem to persist but with different settings:HDR and Anti Aliasing. If I enable any of these, the Gizmos don’t show up.
Any update on this? I’m making an SRP from scratch, can’t find a way to draw Gizmos in Game view.
It’s definitely an issue with Anti-Aliasing and SRP. (And possibly other settings) I’m using the LWRP and if I disable anti-aliasing the gizmos show up in the game view.
I have submitted this as a bug about a month ago and did receive a confirmation that they were able to reproduce and the issue was supposedly sent developers.
This issue is know for a few months now so I wonder what is keeping it from being fixed
I have wasted ONE DAY because of this bug! And it’s still not fixed in Unity 2019.1.7f1
You can draw gizmos with this one: https://docs.unity3d.com/2019.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawGizmos.html
Do you guys have a bug ticket so we can take a look? It should work.
Here is my ticket: 1147652