Iv had this issue for 3 days, i cant drag or drop asstes/gamobjects in the unity edit, this has slowed down my progress significantly. i cant figure out why this is happening.
i read this thread Can't drag and drop assets to editor. - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
(idk how to link forums properly so i coppied the link)
and it clearly states that this would happen if im running the unity editor as an administrator on windows. i am on windows.
but 1 i dont know how to run the unity editor normaly (not using administrator mode) and 2 it says it has a “No” symbol over the cursor (which i dont have)
can anyone help me understand how to fix this?
You would most likely know if you’re running Unity as administrator. If you didn’t do anything unusual, you aren’t.
What kind of asset are you having trouble with? Or is it all of them?
all the assets
very strange (this has gone on for days now) it has suddenly started to wok again (sorry to waste your time).