Can't Even Start using VR for htc Vive with Unity

I was wondering if anyone else had these errors immediately after importing the SteamVr plugin, Playmaker, and Playmaker w/SteamVR Playmaker. Please refer to the image. I am a bit frustrated that I can’t even do anything at all after even spending money. Thanks!

The vr lights are all on and working fine. It may not show that on the screenshot.

First, you should create a fresh project with only the SteamVR plug-in and create a simple scene with just a cube in it or something and set up a VR camera and try that. No other assets. I tried that with my Vive and it worked just fine.

It seems likely that the errors are because PlayMaker itself didn’t compile, yet the integration your using references it. The namespace ‘FsmStateAction’ sure sounds like something that would be in an FSM tool (PlayMaker).

I would bet your issue is not related to the Vive or SteamVR itself.

Maybe you forgot to install playmaker after importing ?!
Have a look at “Assets/PlayMaker/Editor/Install/PlayMaker1.8.1”, double click on it or import this package, then everything should work just fine!

I did install playmaker,MS80, but I will try as Steve said to put those in the scene first. Hopefully that works. Thanks guys, I will let you know :slight_smile: