Can't export fbx (game) [ERROR] Could not open mesh packer "Default"

When trying to export as fbx (for game, which I think includes the texture packing) I get this error:
[ERROR] Could not open mesh packer “Default”

Version: 10.0.1
OS: mac

I tried multiple packing options, even unpacked fails.

I’m using Godot, not unity

The texture packing is a new feature in ten and that warning looks like you’re missing a file. You might want to try a complete uninstall and reinstall to see if that fixes the issue. In your installer folder you should see a folder named “texture_packing” that contains your standard packing.

If you make a new one, the modeler will point to its new location.

thanks for your reply, I actually resintalled after purchase and deleted the old/demo app, not sure I needed to, but the app contents shows the texture_packer directory.

In any event, I can export as fbx file and vfx mode (no texture packing) and it works/can import to blender, do what I need to, then export glb to godot.

Feel like I might be missing some texture packing benefit though, but its not a major blocker for me and the game runs fine without tex pack