Hi Unity Forums, I am trying to set up 2 outlines, a black one and a yellow one, using the custom render pipeline and render objects. I got the black one working in the previous unity version and exported it over to 2019.4.4f and it works, but when I try to make a new Render Object for the yellow outline with identical stencil settings it always draws the scaled silhouette on top. I can only get it to work when I set the redraw object to render after PostProcessing, which I don’t want since it renders the objects through objects.
Render object to draw the objects again on top of the outlines
Outline 2:
Setting redraw to render after post-processing (can see objects through walls)
I’m wondering what I am doing wrong, the stencil settings don’t seem to work at all and even when I disable or delete outline 1, outline 2 still doesn’t work despite being identical, is there something I am missing?