Can't find anything about UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental

Is there any documentation about/examples of transitions?
I looked around the forums, docs, and examples and couldn’t find anything mentioning it.

I’m working on slapping out a quick idle game prototype and the UI workflow with UI Toolkit is way easier to hack things together, but some transition animations would be a quick win on making it look a little nicer

Experiemntals are part of UnityEditor, not runtime.

Is UnityEngine not UnityEditor, unless I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying.

If anybody else bumps into this I found an example

experimental.animation.Position(new Vector3(endPosition.x, endPosition.y, transform.position.z),
                Mathf.RoundToInt(tweenDuration * 1000)).Ease(Easing.OutQuad);

from UIToolkitUnityRoyaleRuntimeDemo/Assets/Scripts/UI/CardElement.cs at 7f5d60d438f46a437dfed54dcbfc6ceb15eb02de · Unity-Technologies/UIToolkitUnityRoyaleRuntimeDemo · GitHub

Yes, I remember that example. If nothing happened since then - it works only in editor (i.e. not runtime) in specific setup.

Just wanted to clarify that this example does work in Runtime, not only in the Editor, and that the experimental animation code works in Runtime as well.
We are aware we’re lacking documentation and actively working on it.