Can't find Device Simulator in Package Manager or its Preferences in 2021.1

I have pre-release packages enabled in Unity 2021.1 but unable to find Device Simulator in the package manager.

It is in fact visible in the Game Window but I can’t see its preferences.

I simply want to specify a directory with custom device profiles.

The Device Simulator is now part of the Editor and is accessible from the Game window.

@fragmentzero In order for you to see Device Manager in the Package Manager, You to check “Enable Preview Packages” in Project Settings>Package Manager.

In order to add a device, You will need to make a text file as per Adding a device | Device Simulator | 3.0.3-preview

Best of luck.

Package Manager → Click and hold setting icon → Advance setting → enable Preview package then Unity Registery.

I believe it is now pre-included with recent versions of Unity. Make sure you have build settings set to Android, restart your editor and you should be able to see the simulator in game view.

If you’re more of a visual learner, here is a video: Simulate your Game with Device Simulator in Unity! (Tutorial) - YouTube

It does not work on some unity Versions.
So Download this file

After Download extract it and then open package Manager Import package.json file from that way.

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It is pre included in Unity 2021 and latest, don’t need to add from package manager now, you can find it in your game view.

U can install device simulator package, first you download from github, then install it from import new asset , find file json then klik. just wait, device simulator will installed in your unity