Can't Find Myself using Certification Lookup


I got certified in DC back in June on the 11th and got my congrats email 10 days later on the 21st. However, with the certificate ID given in that email and my last name I wasn’t able to look myself up.

I emailed certification@unity back at the start of July but I still haven’t heard anything, and I still can’t look myself up. Wanted to include it as a note while applying for positions using Unity.

Pretty frustrating I still can’t look myself up almost 2 months after taking the Certification Exam.

Was wondering if anyone else has had similar issues resolved, or any suggestions?


I certified at the same exam, and my lookup works. Did you save the PDF at the end of the exam? If so, have you tried that ID?

The ID on my certificated pdf is the same as the one I was emailed. Not sure if I was given the wrong ID # or if there was a typo while adding my name. But, yeah I have no clue how to look myself up.

That sucks, sorry to hear it. Did they spell your last name correctly? (It doesn’t appear to be case-sensitive.) Are you including a hyphen in your certificate ID?

Try to enter only your last name + ID for the look up. Not first and lastname. I have seen this on another lookup.

After making the exam I think there was not a button to save or I miss it. I do not know where to find the ID. And I can’t fine myself using certification lookup.