Can't find 'Terrain Tools' package

Soooo, I’m looking in my package manager and using Unity 2019.1.3f1

  • I can’t see ‘Terrain Tools’ package anywhere?

[ Unity Blog ]

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You did activate Advanced → Show preview packages?


Yes - that’s all done>>>
(I’ve searched for ‘terrain’ in packages as well and no luck)

(I’m using the 3D render pipeline - does that matter?)

4594063--428674--Unity Terrain Package missing.jpg

The screenshot shows your package manager’s last update was on May 20, which was before the Terrain Tools package released. Maybe try restarting package manager or Unity to force a refresh.

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Yes - that’s fixed it.
I removed the package manager window and added it again - though it was using the latest package manager UI version (v2.1.2) - perhaps this should be looked at as a feature/bug/issue. It’s likely this type of thing could happen to other people without them realising as well (I’ve now got other packages showing as having updates - which were not showing that before I reopened package manager…)

Thx for this hint!

what if I click on advanced but there is only: show dependencies and reset packages to default. There are no: show preview packages! What should I do? Don’t know if it matters but I am on a mac.

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What version of unity are you using?

Unity, it’s just terrible! Do you know something about UI? I cant find a package for two hours and It’s resolved by more than 5 steps! I had to turn on a parameter in preferences that called “Preview packages”. What?!


Just in case anyone searches it in 2020.2:

  • open Package Manager
  • click the Gear Icon
  • click Advanced Project Settings

In the upcoming (or choose it directly) Project Settings dialog

  • select Enable Preview Packages

Then the Terrain Tools show up for “Packages: Unity Registry” in the Package Manager.


Thanks a lot!


thank you, that helped

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Thanks, it works

this is beyond stupid. and it says 3.0 thats a PREVIEW? unreal. how about finish it. whats taking so long.

… thanks.

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Hello there. We agree that this is as far from optimal as we can get for our users. This is on our immediate near-term roadmap though we’re not yet ready to share a release date. We will make an announcement as soon as we have more information. Cheers


sounds great. any chance you can have the previously selected brush STAY ACTIVE when i click away from my terrain and come back later to paint some more? currently, my brush keeps going back to something i used hours ago like a mountain stamp for some reason. i think it should remember your previously used brush.

also, the shift SMOOTH shortcut does nothing. maybe a 1 pixel blur radius. it needs to REFERENCE the settings under the smooth section, so we can see it actually doing something to the terrain.

please have them fix these two issues. they make it almost impossible to quickly make terrain.

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That worked for me thanks, man.
I’m using unity 2020.2.1f1

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Thanks for this!
Also: If you have package manager open in a floating window, clicking advanced settings WILL OPEN BEHIND THE PACKAGE MANAGER WINDOW! Grrr.

I only notice it from the notifications I get from the likes of my post, but maybe someone should consider that the whole preview thing was a very bad decision?

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After enabling " preview packages" checkbox under advance options I see nothing to do with “Packages: Unity Registry” under Package Manager. Why the fuck is half my time In Unity trying to jump through hoops? How many hours before I can get more tools with my brushes. I guess I’ll just stick with two options for my brushes for now cool thanks.