Can't find variable in inspector. Any reason why this might've happened?

I was trying to make a slider element in my settings menu to allow the player to change the mouse sensitivity on a range of 0.1 to 7, but when I added a Slider variable, I couldn’t see it in the inspector, (Image below) which meant I couldn’t properly set it’s value.


Here’s a bit of my code to further explain what I mean:

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;


public class FPSController : MonoBehaviour

    [Range(0.1f, 7f)]
    public float lookSpeed = 2f;
    private readonly Slider lookSpeedSlider;
    //other variables

    void Update() {
        lookSpeed = lookSpeedSlider.value;
        //more irrelevant code

Any help is appreciated, whether it’s a solution, further explenations/instructions on what to do or a work-around.

thanks in advance.

Try making the field public instead of private.

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Tried that, same result sadly.

Edit: I also added a [SerializeField] and removed the readonly attribute but it still didn’t work.

Your code above presumably is trying to use UnityEngine.UIElements.Slider

Are you perhaps looking for UnityEngine.UI.Slider?


On top of the above, Unity also can’t serialise readonly fields.


Thanks, it worked!