Can't get an animation to fade uGUI text in and out to work properly

I created an animation to adjust the alpha field so i can give the appearance of text fading in an out. i placed this animation on the uGUI text, Screenshot - 05582014473071647dcf7d298ed5a1ad - Gyazo .
When i run my game and an die so this animation gets played, visually nothing happens but i can watch the alpha slider go up and down in a loop. So it looks like it’s working but visually it is not.

Thank you for any help you can provide!

I had this same issue with both images and text, and after much trial and error this was my solution.

        text.CrossFadeAlpha(0.0f,0.0f,false); //set alpha value to 0 instantly
        text.CrossFadeAlpha(1.0f,fadeInTime,false);  // And fade in