I am a new beginner to Unity, and want to dev some vr stuff for my study, as I am now in some graduate school.
Unfortunately I fell into some issues when I followed up our tutorial but I found that I can’t move the position of my hand-controller, while other functions(rotations, trigger, etc.) works fine. I thought I’ve made something wrong, but I remember I got exactly same issues while using other applications like DanceXR and also another video player (can’t remember its name though), which are both developed in Unity, so I guess this problem could be kinda universal among users who use nolo devices.
Not all the game in unity have this issue, like vrchat, and also I know one of the game but it could be kinda sensitive to mention it here.
My device is Nolo CV1 device, and my headset is DPVR. works well in SteamVR but excepting some Unity software. Nolo provided NOLO_Unity_SDK, I tried and I can use it to get the position of hand controllers, but why can’t openXR? How can I fix this?
Picture: I can change the orientation of the hand controllers by adjusting the pose of them but I can’t change their position in game by moving it, which causes it stuck in the initial position.