Cant get GameObject to FPS Controller collision to work....

Trying to make a FPS Controller run into a “coin” that then causes the coin to be deleted but the detection isn’t working.

I have a Box Collider on the cube and a mesh collider on the FPS controller. (the FPS Controller doesn’t have a model. - if that makes a difference, i don’t know)
I have this script attached to my cube, the cube with a tag “coin” and my FPS controller “player”.

Any ideas would be appreciated… <3

public class CoinAnimation : MonoBehaviour {
		//public float speed = 10f;
	public GameObject deathparticles;

	void Update ()

		//transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime); //Not connected, makes the coin look cooler.

	void OnCollisionEnter(Collision Cube)
		if (Cube.transform.tag == "Player") {
			Instantiate(deathparticles, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
			print ("hit");


using OnCollisionEnter means both of the objects should have RigidBody Component on them ;
did u assign it ?