Can't get sound clip from array to play properly

I have an array for 2 audiosources and I’m trying to make the first clip play when it hits the enemy and the second for when my character explodes. The first one works fine but when my character explodes the second one doesn’t make a sound. Is there something wrong with my code?

AudioSource clip1;
AudioSource clip2;

void Start () 
	AudioSource[] sounds = GetComponents<AudioSource>();
	clip1 = sounds[0];
	clip2 = sounds[1];


void FixedUpdate ()

	GroundCheck ();

	if (grounded == false || dragged == true) 
		float h = Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X");
		if (h > 0 && !facingRight)
			Flip ();
		else if (h < 0 && facingRight)
			Flip ();

	if (grounded == true) 
		if (walking == true) 
			walker ();
		// Create an array of all the colliders in front of the enemy.
		Collider2D[] frontHits = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll (frontCheck.position);
		// Check each of the colliders.
		foreach (Collider2D c in frontHits) {
			// If any of the colliders is an Obstacle...
			if (c.tag == "DirectionTrigger") {
				// ... Flip the enemy and stop checking the other colliders.
				Flip ();
			if (c.tag == "Enemy") {
				if (enemyhit == false){
					if (c.gameObject.GetComponent<Bugbot> ().destructionImminent == false)
					// ... Flip the enemy and stop checking the other colliders.
					walking = false;
	if(HP <= 0 && !dead)
		// ... call the death function.
		Death ();


public IEnumerator delayAnim()
	yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.01f);
	animator.SetTrigger ("swatbotexplosion");

Nevermind the clips themselves were the problem. I got it to work after changing them. Thanks and sorry for the trouble.