Cant get sound play on input

I dunno what Im doing wrong I wrote this toggle script to turn a light on and off but it wont play my sound along with the light. The sound plays on awake but not when i press the input. Im just trying to get work like the switch on a flashlight.

heres the code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class headlight : MonoBehaviour {

	//light toggle on and off
	public Light light1;
	public AudioClip onswitch;

	private AudioSource source;
	void awake ()
		source = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

	/// </summary>

	void Update () 
		if (Input.GetKeyDown ("l")) 
			light1.enabled = !light1.enabled;
			source.PlayOneShot(onswitch, 1F);


Methods are case sensitive. This line:

void awake ()

should be:

void Awake ()