Can't Get SphereCast to work

Here’s my Code

void RemoveMovingEntities(Vector2Int gridPos)
        //---------------------------Setup Spherecast-----------------------------

        //Setup Layermask -

        int layer = 8; //The Layer "MovingEntities"
        int layerMask = (1 << layer); //Apparently this works. This is a weird corner of the API, Unity manual itself says to do this.

        //Setup Spherecast
        //RaycastHit API -
        RaycastHit hit;
        Vector3 origin = tilemapManager.GetWorldPosition3(gridPos, -10f);
        float radius = 0.5f;
        Vector3 direction = Vector3.forward;
        float maxDistance = 15f;
        QueryTriggerInteraction triggerSetting = QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide;

        if(Physics.SphereCast(origin, radius, direction, out hit, maxDistance, layerMask, triggerSetting))

When i use the remove tool and click on a tile, this function is called (have confirmed this via Debug.Log). I want it to find and destroy any moving entities on said tile.

Things i’ve checked:
-The Entities i want to remove are indeed on layer 8.
-The origin is correct, for example if a slime is on tile centred 0.5, 0.5, it will be 0.5, 0.5, -10.
-Turning up the radius to laughably high values (20) does nothing, as does the max distance (100) (the entities are at z=0, confirmed)

  • Trying Vector3.back for the direction doesn’t help.
  • The code inside the if statement is not reached.

one thing i noticed in the API is that “SphereCast will not detect colliders for which the sphere overlaps the collider.” I have no idea what this means, so if anyone could clarify what this means as well that’d be great, it may or may not be related to the issue.

Use Debug.DrawLine() or Debug.DrawRay() to visualise the direction of your spherecast to make sure its going in the direction you expect. Also IIRC SphereCast just checks for touching collisions, if there is going to be overlap then try OverlapSphere() Cast.

This. SphereCast does not detect hits within the radius at the start position. For example, if you do a SphereCast from inside a collider (like a capsule collider used by a player character) it will not detect that collider.