So I’ve just been testing some playthroughs of a musical game I’m working on. I used playmode to test about 30-40 times in a row and all was fine and then suddenly the audio just stopped playing when I hit play. I checked in the inspector and in the project and I could still play and hear the audio source and I also checked other sounds on my PC to check it wasn’t outside of Unity.
So I did some googling etc and tried a bunch of things including:
- restarting Unity
- restarting the computer
- disabling and restarting window audio
- reverting the cloud save back to a point where audio was 100% working.
- remaking the audiosource
- starting a new project and placing an audiosource in the scene and testing
- testing different audio files and filetypes in a new project
Nothing has helped. I’ve even opened other projects from the past that I know the audio was working when I left and it now isn’t.
So from what I can gather, this must be a Unity based issue, but not relevant to the project itself. It doesn’t seem to matter what audio I use, project I’m in etc, my audio just now globally does not work in playmode in any project.
Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks in advance.