Been seeing an issue where the gizmo doesn’t hide itself in the scene view if it is unchecked. It’s a useful asset, but it’s getting in the way of what I’m trying to do in the scene.
If I set the icon to "none’ then it will disappear for a moment, but then come back again after a couple seconds.
On Unity 2018.3.0f2 with the latest version of TextMeshPro from package manager.
I was having the same problem you described. However, I was able to make the icon invisible by hitting the show/hide button (the button is the textmesh pro icon) in the gizmo menu as opposed to setting the icon to none. I am using Unity 2019.1.0b1 so I don’t know if this will help.
Changing the gizmo settings as you describe will work since those are project settings. That is how I control the visibility of those icons in my projects.
Changing the icons assigned to the specific TMP scripts will not work since those scripts are contained in the package and read-only which is the issue that I was referencing.
My god, this is so f-ing counterintuitive, that after reading this thread I was still confused and then I re-read it again in 5 min to get what’s going on.
This guy has a right answer, but even reading his instructions, it took me a while to realize.
Of course now, when I know that icon is clickable it makes sense: if you click the icon - you hide the icon. The checkbox is for gizmo, which is basically a white bounding box.
For example: camera’s area of view rectangle is disabled by gismo checkbox, camera icon itself is disabled by clicking the icon in this panel. Please like my post, so I can know my time explaining this was well spent and I saved you half a hour of messing with files, as advised in other posts…
Hey thanks for the tip! Sadly it doesn’t stick for me (Good to know though!)
I’ve gone with the method of deleting the Gizmo directory from the TextMeshPro package. This has to be done outside of Unity so right click and go show in finder and delete them there. They will come back if you ever upgrade TMPro but it doesn’t take too long to do it.
Because even with my extensive explanations you managed to do find one more way to do it wrong. Don’t click the dropdown triangle. Click the icon directly. RIGHT THE DAMN MIDDLE OF THAT CURSED “T”
P.S. I tried to replicate your gif (changing the icon in dropdown), and if I do that, I get console error:
“Importer for Packages/com.unity.textmeshpro/Scripts/Runtime/TextMeshProUGUI.cs has changed in memory, but the asset is read only. Importer settings stored in the meta file will be used.”
And that’s why it reverts the icon setting. But that doesn’t matter. Just click EXACTLY where I told and there will be no errors, while the icon will stay hidden.