Can't import blender models

So I install Unity and Blender and I wanted to start off with just making a simple model for the game im working on to make sure I wont have any future problems with that. I made my model and saved it normally, but when I put it into Unity I got an error saying:
“Blender could not be found.”

and when I click on that it takes me to an error saying:
“Blender could not be found.
Make sure that Blender is installed and the .blend file has Blender as its ‘Open with’ application!
UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:ProjectWindowDrag(HierarchyProperty, Boolean)

I tryed making the file a .fbx and .obj but it didn’t work.
Hope someone could help me here.

One possible problem is that you might have taken something out of the blender folder that was supposed to be there and now there are a to on warning signs. I would also try to export the project into your unity folder. You have to open up Unity and when your mouse is in the assets space,(on the bottom) right click and click import assets, then import your asset. You can even import the blender file. I hope this works!!