Can't install ProBulider package. Got EINVAL (invalaid argument)

Hello, I’m using Unity 6000.0.30f1 to try to install Pro Builder because a friend suggested it, and it seems useful. While Installing I got an error message in the console saying:

[Package Manager Window] Error adding package: com.unity.probuilder.
Unable to add package [com.unity.probuilder]:
  One or more dependencies could not be added to the local file system:
    com.unity.settings-manager: EINVAL: invalid argument, futime
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()

Any help is appreciated!

Try deleting the package cache location and try installing again.

If the issue sticks and you are running 3rd party antivirus try disabling that.

There are also issues with installing packages to ExFAT file systems that can be resolved by moving the project to an NTFS formatted partition.

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