Can't load addressables local group on WebGL build uploaded to and CrazyGames

Hi, I’m fairly new to addressables. I’m trying to build my game to webgl and upload it to and

I have an addressable group for Skins assets with the following configuration

My WebGL builds are throwing the following error on, on is similar:


I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Should I provide more info in order to know what is causing the problem?

It works fine on Windows, Android and Unity Editor.

I’m using:
Unity 2022.3.5f1
Addressables 1.21.19

According to your settings path preview, i think its trying to use the windows version of the built addressables, whereas it should be using the webgl version. Each platform needs to use their own built version of the package

Hi, thanks for the reply.
I believe the preview displays Windows because I have set ‘Standalone’ as the target platform in the Editor. However, if you look at the path indicated in the error message, you can see it’s using WebGL. Therefore, I don’t think that this is the issue, but maybe I’m missing something.

Ok, I think I’ve fixed it by upgrading Addressables to 1.21.20. Hope this helps.

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Thank you @MiguelCoK , this solved it for me.
To update it, I had to manually update it from 1.21.19 to 1.21.21 in the package manager, under the “Version history” tab.
There I could find the new version, despite that the packaged didn’t show any sign that there was an update.

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