cant load mp4 movie file from Application.persistentDataPath in IOS

I was trying to download movie(mp4)file from webserver and create file into


and play the movie file ( mp4 file).

private void Awake()
        //mediaplayer gameobject. use this to Play movies.
        uniplayer = GameObject.Find("UniversalMediaPlayer").GetComponent<UniversalMediaPlayer>();        
        _filePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Unity.mp4";

    public void downloadBtn()

    public IEnumerator moviedown()
        if (!Caching.ready)
            yield return null;
        var www = new WWW("");   

        while (!www.isDone)
            percentslider.value = www.progress;
            movieDnBtn.text = (www.progress * 100).ToString("##.#") + "%..";
            yield return null;
            FileStream stream = new FileStream(_filePath, FileMode.Create);
            stream.Write(www.bytes, 0, www.bytes.Length);
            percentslider.value = www.progress;

    public void pressPlaybtn()
        uniplayer._path = "file://" + _filePath;

this code works on android/ window/ mac but Iphone does’nt working at all

I have no idea .I don’nt know why only IOS does not working … I spend more than 10 days to solve this problem!! but I could’nt …

This is old but WWW only works with ogv files in iOS and then only in full screen. See Unity documentation.