Can't log into Unity Hub

I’ve just downloaded Unity Hub 0.16.0 and I can’t log into it. Every time I try the login page is simply closed and nothing changes. I’ve attached the log file to this thread for more information.

Licensing Unity Hub using the offline licensing function did work for me, but I still can’t login.

3478056–276545–info-log.7z (59 Bytes)

same problem here - driving me slightly mad…

was working fine on OSX and Windows a few days ago, now just kicks me back to the sign in page with no feedback.

Anyone else have the same problem?

I’ve had the same problem just now, I think since I’ve updated to 0.16.0. When I started the HUB its window opened, but nothing happened for a while. Then the Welcome page showed up and offered me to sign in or create account, as if I was a new user.

If I pressed either of the buttons a new empty window opened with “Sign In” in the header, and nothing happened anymore. I left it there for a while to be sure, restarted the HUB a few times, same thing.

I ended up opening a specific Unity version (2017.4) and entered my credentials there. That somehow fixed the HUB too.

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Same happens to me :confused: But its just on one of my computers like this. I dont know why

The same is happening to me!! The login page opens and when I enter my ID and pass it just closes and nothing happens. I tried a million times, it’s driving me crazy, any solution?
(unity hub 2.4.1)