Can't move a prefab with 'W' key (no arrows)

I have a prefab that has a camera attached to it. When I click W key, no arrows show up to move my object up and down or left and right. The prefab is a 2d sprite with several levels of children, and the camera is the scene camera (main) with UI attached.

the sprite renderer is enabled and maximized.

I can move other objects in my scene, just not this one.

Where’s the script?

what script? I have a player_controller.cs on my sprite(player) and a turret child, which has a turret_script, which has 2 children left_laser and right_laser, which have their own scripts.

The camera has its own script, and its children canvas and gameOverUI have their own scripts.


I changed a setting from center to pivot and now I can move it.
