Can't open unity project - gets stuck at scriptcompilation: MovedFromExtractor Unity.Analytics.Tracker.d

Hi (not sure if i have posted to the correct area - if not please let me know where i should move it to)
i have been having all sorts of problems opening a project that i have been working on a for a while that previously had no problems - nothing obvious has changed

80% of the time it fails to open with for example this error
scriptcompilation: MovedFromExtractor Unity.Analytics.Tracker.d…
although that changes

when i try to open the project, Brave becomes pretty much unresponsive

previously when i did manage to open it, builds would take hours but thanks to @bugfinders it then worked perfectly once i had added virus scanning exemption. Unfortunately since that one success i have been unable to open the project again

Based on that solution i have switched to bitdefender (from Windows Defender) and exempted pretty much every folder i can think of relating to unity - attached

I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling both unity hub and unity editor and been deleting library and localcache before i try another attempt

Nothing seems to work - would really appreciate some help in resolving if anyone has some time


Whats brave? You said brave hangs.

Brave browser
Also on chrome websites just don’t load one I start opening a unity project

Whats in the editor log files? Sounds like your computer is struggling. Also check event viewer in case of disk errors etc

my first thought was also that this was hardware related so i ran a benchmark test and diagostics/repair within windows. Nothing obvious came up


So my next step there is to find a windows VM where i can test opening this project - hopefully will get that sorted in the next week or so

As for the event viewer can see this error:

  • The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk2\DR4.
  • The driver detected a controller error on \DR2.
  • An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk2\DR6 during a paging operation.
  • The IO operation at logical block address 0x18b83f400 for Disk 2 (PDO name: \Device\0000019c) was retried.
  • The IO operation at logical block address 0x28 for Disk 2 (PDO name: \Device\00000078) was retried.
  • The IO operation at logical block address 0x7a2a1e00 for Disk 2 (PDO name: \Device\0000017c) was retried.
  • The IO operation at logical block address 0x145681e00 for Disk 2 (PDO name: \Device\0000017c) was retried.
    However these are all quite old and there is nothing in the timeframe of the last week or so (this problem has been going on longer but repeats every time)

Here is the editor log file - it makes no sense to me but hoping you might find somewhere there

Editor.txt (2.5 MB)

thanks for your continued help on this - i have no idea what to do

bit more info - i tried creating a new VR project and wouldn’t open
stalled at movedfromextractor unity.plastic.newtonsoft
tried again and after about 20minutes editor loading crashed

so i then tried a new project 3d (built in render pipeline and stalled on
movedfromextractor .unityengine.particlesystem

then i tried 3d universal

after 45 minutes

also Unity Hub takes about a minute to open - used to be pretty much immediately

a bench mark does not consitute the full same, you could have knackered bits of disk for example

your editor log the last thing showing was

Start importing Assets/Planets with Space Background in Flat Style/Flat Planets EPS.7z using Guid(690766c4c6a6bfb45be79102ea7a7140) Importer(-1,00000000000000000000000000000000)  -> (artifact id: '7672e650b42485bab42e1cbe7ff5a8da') in 0.003027 seconds
Start importing Assets/StylizedWater2/Documentation.url using Guid(69fb6414614e3ae498bcab4065b96842) Importer(-1,00000000000000000000000000000000) 

and then it said it crashed, so its possible it hates the styliised water.

You did look through the log yourself yes?

Out of interest what is your default target? as mine defaults to windows, but i noticed your editor log says

Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for iOS target not found
Native extension for Android target not found

thanks for getting back to me
the benchmark was done to check on performance. These are the checks i did:

  1. Choose “Startup Repair” to try the system automatic repair;
  2. Select “Command Prompt”, then log in with your account, and run the commands below.
sfc /scannow
chkdsk X: /f
bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /scanos
bootrec /rebuildbcd

I did see that entry around stylisedwater but i have been using this assets for over a year without issue. This doesn’t feel like the underlying issue since that asset doesn’t exist in the new blank project I tried to open - this is the log file for that project

Editorblank.txt (17.1 KB)

However i did delete the water asset (not sure if that was the correct strategy)and checked the manifest; there was no entry in there to delete
After an hour it is still trying to open - stalled on
movedfromextractor unity.burst.cecil.dll_828…
so i closed the editor and checked the log but nothing stood out:
Editor (2).txt (25.1 KB)

Happy to try anything else you can think of to identify the issue
thanks for your help