Can't Orbit Around Focused GameObject

Sorry if this is obvious, or if I’m just doing it wrong, but I can’t figure out how to get the Linux build (build 5.3.5 running in Ubuntu) to orbit around a focused game object. On pressing ‘F’ the editor cam zooms to the object just fine, but holding ALT and the Right-Drag seems to open a popup menu instead of orbiting behavior I was expecting (my muscle memory says this is proper key combination to Orbit around a selected object in the Windows editor). Right-Drag alone rotates the camera around the editor camera pivot just fine. Also, ALT W,A,S,D seems to fly around the scene as expected.

Dose the Linux version of Unity Editor have a different key combination for Orbiting from the Windows version?

You have to change a setting in your operating system. By default, alt + left mouse button is used to move a window by dragging your mouse. It also seems to affect the right mouse button, for some reason.

  • Install CompizConfig Settings Manager (sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager) and open it.
  • You’ll find “Move Window” somewhere at the bottom. Click it.
  • Change the “Initiate Window Move” option. (I have mine on control+alt+button1)

That did it!!

Thank you @LukaKotar

By the way I wonder if there is a way to bind camera orbiting in editor to a key combination? Thank you.

Not currently - there’s some upcoming work to vastly improve shortcuts/rebinding/etc.

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