My game is failing certification with the following errors:
Binary analyzer
- Boo.Lang.dll has failed the NXCheck check.
- Boo.Lang.dll has failed the SafeSEHCheck check.
Supported APIs
Several Boo.Lang.dll calls this API. calls
My game is written in UnityScript (Javascript). Did JS support not make it into the final release or am I doing something wrong?
I think UnityScript should be OK last time I checked (all my work is in C# so not 100% sure). But if you are not using Boo, then in the project in Visual Studio, you can remove the references to Boo.Lang.dll and try to run the game + WACK again.
As far as I know UnityScript and Boo aren’t supported in Win8 yet.
Oh well… guess it’s time for you to upgrade to C# then 
Same here with my games. All coded with UnityScript.
Debug/Release version running fine on Surface RT Tablet.
But no way to get trough WACK 2.2
This is really a Showstopper!
Is UnityScript Support coming for WinRT? … i hope so!
I had the same problem and I got through WACK by stripping every .js scripts including standard assets.