cant play animation from blender to unity

Hi everyone. I’m having a problem with a blender animation i want to use in unity. i’m searching for a solution but nothing worked till now. i tried to export the animation as .fbx and import to unity but still not working, tried to save directly the .blend file into the assets folder of my unity project but no changes :confused: I don’t really know what to do now. Can anybody please tell me what i might be making wrong ? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you :slight_smile: i highlight that i’m talking about a text animation, identic as shown on this video Blender Tutorial: Vine Animation Text - YouTube

is the animation legacy? Does the object have an animation component set to “play automatically”. In Debug mode ( super tiny menu item way up top right nest to lock icon) Legacy animation is 1- if it’s a 2 change it to 1. Put animation component on gameobject and drag that animation into the slot ( mine is called "newboat). Unless you are going to be using the AnimaTOR component instead of animatTION. In which case it needs to be 2, add ANIMATOR component, make and add animator controller and drag animation into the animator