Can't realise dynamic height in dynamic height in a 3d navigation for nodes

Hey guys,

I am trying to make a sort of 3d navigation for nodes (like a prezi). I wanted a certain canvas inside each node featuring the underlying nodes, this makes it easy to zoom in to subnodes of a node. My lack of layout components really hurts my progression. Does any one know how the follow layout can be defined? (look at the image below, red arrows indicate dynamic height).

You’re looking for the ContentSizeFitter for all of the inner elements. That makes the container stretch to fit the elements inside.
Note that that only happens if the elements inside wants a certain size, which most elements don’t do by default. The common way to make that happen in a layout like yours is to put a layout group on the same rect

For the canvas, you can just overflow the canvas. I’m not sure if that works with interactive canvases, you’ll have to figure that out.