Hello,I am trying to use new analytics and send custom events, but custom events are not showing in Event Browser or Data explorer. In same time standart events such as “gameStarted” and “gameRunning” are displaying.
I have create a custom event “installAndroidData” with a few custom(strings) parameters assigned in Event Manager. And how I use it:
I’m experiencing the same… not seeing custom events, so I’m listening in here. It’s been like 12 hours or so since I send the first. I get other events, like gameStarted etc. but not the custom ones (I have two).
I have verified in Fiddler that they are actually send.
Thank you for confirming. You’ve checked that they are not showing under the Invalid events tab? If you want to send me your dashboard URL in a private message I can check too. Can you share your Fiddler capture?
You can create your own parameters also. Please see https://docs.unity.com/analytics/EventManager.html where you can assign parameters from the available list or click Add New > Custom Parameter to create your own.
Yes, it is initialized, i receive standart events and didnt receive custom, but standart events use old sdk “sdkMethod”: “UA1_SDKLESS”, however Analitycs 4.2.0 is installed.
It only sends standard events but no custom events. The sdk is
“sdkMethod”: “UA1_SDKLESS”,
Have I installed the wrong thing?
I’m also a little confused about the set up. Does it need code to work? Its sending the standard events without me setting up any code. If I add an Analytics Event Tracker component will it work out of the box?
Analytics Library is the package needed to define custom events for Legacy Analytics, this isn’t needed to use UGS Analytics (nor is switching Analytics on in the Services window that just sends standard events on Legacy).
For UGS Analytics, you need that package called “Analytics” to be installed and initialized - more info on initialization can be found here. Once that is done, standard events will be automatically available in UGS Analytics (should show up in Event Browser after 5 mins and up to an hour to show in dashboards/analysis tools). To define custom events they need to be defined in the Event Manager and in your game code - more info here.
Hope this helps! If you’ve already done all of the above, I recommend checking the invalid tab in the Event Browser to debug or sending me over your projectID and i’ll check it out for you.