Cant Receive Exp

Hi guys,i havee a script that takes xp from my database and just sets it on the player

public void GetXp(string User)
		Debug.Log ("GetXp Successful");
		WWWForm www = new WWWForm ();
		www.AddField ("user", User);
		WWW w = new WWW ("",www);
		StartCoroutine (Xp(w));

	IEnumerator Xp(WWW w)
		yield return w;
		if (w.error == null)
				Debug.Log (w.text);
				Debug.Log ("Working Stats");
			    int i;
				if (int.TryParse(w.text, out i))
				PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("xp",i);
			Debug.Log("Set int xp");
			Debug.Log ("Parsing Failed");

but i have a problem.I received the xp from the internet because i (debug.log) it (“Set int xp”)line 20)and it sets it as an int(line 19 i think so).But then my other script (rank manager) takes the int and set it as exp(line 9 and 53)But the one on line (53) does not (debug.log)"rankmanager getting int"line 54) and i think that is causing the problem that i cant set my exp but i dont have any idea why this is happening.please help.thanks

	public int Exp;
	public static RankManager Inst;
	public int MaxLevel;
	public WeaponManager Player;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {

		Debug.Log ("Getting xp");
		Exp = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("xp");
		Debug.Log ("Got xp");
		NextLevel = CurLevel + 1;
		Inst = this;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		if (NetworkManager.Instance.MyPlayer.PlayerName != "") 
			Player = NetworkManager.Instance.MyPlayer.Manager.FirstpersonCont;

			foreach(Gun g in Player.Weapons)
				if(CurLevel > g.UnlockLevel)
					g.Unlocked = true;
					g.Unlocked = false;
				foreach(Sight s in g.Sights)
					if(s.UnlockKills >= g.Kills)
						s.Unlocked = true;
						s.Unlocked = false;
		if (CurLevel < MaxLevel)
			if (Exp >= ExpToLevel) 
				ExpToLevel *= 2;
				if(Network.peerType != NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)
				PlayerPrefs.GetInt("xp" + NetworkManager.Instance.PlayerName, Exp);
				Debug.Log("RankManager Getting Int");

I hope you guys understand my question.Thanks :smiley:

line 53 is trying to get a different PlayerPref.

you’ve set it to “xp”, but trying to get "xp" + NetworkManager.Instance.PlayerName which probably doesn’t exist.