I’m using the Human model from Unity and just trying to reference a script type. But no matter what I do, it doesn’t recognise it.
I’m not trying to change the script, I just want to mess with the imported demo guy’s script instances.
- The package’s script
- The script’s namespace
- My code. Doesn’t matter if I use a ‘using’ or directly spell it out.
- I’ve added these packages to my manifest.json
“com.unity.demoteam.digital-human.sample”: “GitHub - Unity-Technologies/com.unity.demoteam.digital-human.sample: Character sample featuring the digital human from 'The Heretic'.”,
“com.unity.demoteam.digital-human”: “GitHub - Unity-Technologies/com.unity.demoteam.digital-human: Library of tech features used to realize the digital human from 'The Heretic' and 'Enemies'.”,
“com.unity.demoteam.attributes”: “GitHub - Unity-Technologies/com.unity.demoteam.attributes: Library of attributes common to packages in com.unity.demoteam.*”