Can't reference script.

I’m inside the Joystick script from the CrossPlatformInput package. And I’m trying to call the public Throw function inside my Player script attached to the player object. I have a working reference to the player object but it can’t find the script.

public void OnPointerUp (PointerEventData data) //Called when you relese your finger
			transform.position = m_StartPos;


I made a test script and did the exact same thing, this works totally fine:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class test : MonoBehaviour {

	private GameObject player;

	void Start () {
		player = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player");
	void Update () {
		player.GetComponent<Player> ().Throw ();

I tried to remove to Joystick script from the CrossPlatformInput scripts folder and now it works…

I don’t understand why it would work that way but at least i figured it out.