Can't remove Transform instance?

I made a script to shoot bullets and place bullet holes on the walls where the bullets hit. My bullet holes are textured planes (prefab) that I instantiate every time the bullet hits something, and I make it stick to whatever it hits. After a given time (bulletHoleLife), I want to remove the bullet hole for a better performance. Here's the code for this part (updatedContact is the contact position and rotation is the direction the hole must be facing):

var hole : Transform = Instantiate (bulletHole, updatedContact, rotation);
hole.parent = collision.transform;

Destroy(hole, bulletHoleLife);  

Everything works as planned except that the holes won't disappear. I get the error "Can't remove component. Can't remove Transform because MeshFilter, MeshRenderer depends on it". Is there some way around this?

Destroy(hole.gameObject, bulletHoleLife);