Can't run Local Asset Bundle Server

Hello, Im using Unity 5.3 and currently working with asset bundles, to be more specific, with the asset bundle manager, but even using the tutorial unity has on their website, I cant run the local server. We use proxy here but I dont think this should be a problem, since its only a local server. Ive been getting this error: ArgumentException: Can't find process with ID 725 System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById (Int32 processId) AssetBundles.LaunchAssetBundleServer.IsRunning () (at Assets/Package/AssetBundleManager/Editor/LaunchAssetBundleServer.cs:48) AssetBundles.LaunchAssetBundleServer.ToggleLocalAssetBundleServerValidate () (at Assets/Package/AssetBundleManager/Editor/LaunchAssetBundleServer.cs:38) and after it, I cant try to run the local asset bundle server unless I restart Unity.



I could solve my problem on Win10! The problem is, that the AssetBundleServer could not start the HTTP Listener because of insufficient privileges. I´ve granted this privileges and now it works fine and the AssetBundleServer is up and running. You grant this privileges with the following commands:

  • start a console with admin rights and type the following command
  • netsh http add urlacl url=http://[yourIP]:7888/ user=Jeder

[yourIP] must be exactly the same as it is written in the Assets\AssetBundleManager\Resources\AssetBundleServerURL File!
“user=Jeder” is for the german version of windows. I guess in english it should be “user=everyone”.

beste regards,