Try to search any thread for “URP” and you get the following error:
The search could not be completed because the search keywords were too short, too long, or too common.
Try to search any thread for “URP” and you get the following error:
The search could not be completed because the search keywords were too short, too long, or too common.
Hey @p87
We can’t reduce the search term as it’s a mySQL limitation, however if you Wildcard Search that should work.
For example search: URP and that hopefully will do it for you?
that works! thank you for the workaround suggestion.
just hit up against this same thing - perhaps you could have the search error message contain this useful tip?
or even better … if someone searches for “URP” or any known 3 letter unity acronym , it should automatically add the wildcards for you so the search works…