Can't see Hinge Joint 2d anchor points

Hi, I am new to Unity and I am just working my way through the 2d tutorials at the moments and following what happens so I can try and imitate it. Anyway, I got to the “Hinge Joint 2d” tutorial and was following it through when I noticed I couldn’t see the “anchor” point and “connected anchor” point visuals that are visible on the tutorial.

After searching around a lot and being frustrated that I couldn’t find an answer to why I couldnt see the anchor points, I decided to move on to the next tutorial.

When I was on the “Spring Joint 2d” tutorial I noticed there was a green line that signified the spring in the tutorial. When trying to follow this tutorial through, I found that I was unable to see this.

I have now concluded that the green line in the spring joint 2d tutorial and the anchor points in the hinge joint 2d are connected and I must be able to toggle useful things like this on somewhere. However I am unable to find how to toggle these and similar things that will no doubt be in other tutorials on.

Is anyone able to solve this, It will be a great help if you can.

Thank you.

Toggling is NOT the issue. It is being able to SEE the little orange ARROW, because it is SOOOOOO SMALL and TINY. So, the question is: IS THERE ANYWAY TO MAKE THESE LITTLE ARROWS LARGER, SO WE CAN SEE THEM?

Pyrians comment is the correct answer. It’s a gizmo that can be toggled on and off.,Pyrians comment is the correct answer. It’s a gizmo feature.

I had this issue for a while. If you have already checked your gizmos tab and everything is turned on, then make sure you’re not in debug mode. Click the 3 dots in the inspector window and swap it to “Normal” if you are. Then there should be a blue gizmo that shows up like it does for everyone else.