My first ever Unity game! I’m so excited and getting close! I’m using the Sample Assets to create my custom 3d character. I’ve got everything running great so far on the computer, but I can’t get the mobile controls to show up. I’m adding the Mobile Character Control Rig to my hierarchy. I read the Cross Platform Input Guidelines and I’m not sure what is meant by “you simply need to read the axes via the CrossPlatformInput class, rather than Unity’s regular Input class” so I’m guessing that may be the part that I’m missing.
I thought that adding the rig would give me some sort of on-screen controls to move my character around, but not so far. I also tried to build and run the sample third person character scene on my phone but I don’t get any controls for that either. I can spin the camera around and look in any direction but that’s about it. I’m stuck. Any tips?