A new bug in Unity 6, completely hilarious.
In a new project, with the default camera,
Tick on “Physical Camera”
- Click on “Focal Length”
- Try typing “25”
Due to floating point errors in the inspector, it’ll convert to 16.
CASE IN-93491
A new bug in Unity 6, completely hilarious.
In a new project, with the default camera,
Tick on “Physical Camera”
CASE IN-93491
EDIT: I see what you mean.
I think you’re just triggering zero-guard code. When you press the “2” of 25 I’m guessing it first tries to replace it with blank, which atof()s
to zero, so it jams a bunch of numbers in there to be nonzero, and that feeds back to your actual “2” landing in the typing buffer.
I blame UI Elements… We never had this bug before UI Elements!
I’ve seen this happen in IMGUI plenty. It’s not specific to UI Toolkit (it’s not called UI Elements any more). It’s down the clamping logic and this is independant of how the UI is drawn itself.
@sameng you can get around this by highlighting the first digit and replacing that.
I’ve resorted to just clicking and dragging the number. It’s like pulling a zoom lens, ha!
No movement on the bug report, but the repro is so simple hopefully it’ll get fixed sooner rather than later.